Call to Action for Sonoma Rescue Trial: #ProsecuteMe

This trial is about the value of animal life, and that is why it is such a big deal. We are legally determining whether the life of an animal is worth more the sacrilege of stepping onto an illegally-operated factory farm.

Why We Need Equality and Balance, Not Growth

By Sean Cloran. Growth of the world’s food supply won’t reduce food insecurity, and it may even cause more problems. Equally distributing access for all to food will reduce food insecurity, and reducing current food production levels while farming in more ecologically-friendly ways will restore balance to the environment.

How Restrictions During Coronavirus Can Ignite Long-Term Environmental Healing

To meet consumer demand, grocery stores “over-order, overstock, and are always prepared because they don’t want to lose that customer,” says Lauren. “As recently as 40 or 50 years ago, that just would not have been the case. But I live in New England and it’s March, and I can get pretty much anything at the grocery store that I want, whether it’s coming from down the street or halfway across the world.”